All About Flowstone and How Flowstone is Formed

I love going into different caves, whether on my own or part of a tour, and looking at all of the incredible natural formations. Stalactites, Stalagmites, Cave Bacon, and more! I just had to learn how flowstone is formed! Just like all the other cave formations, Flowstone is made up of different minerals such as calcite and carbonate minerals! It […]

How is Cave Coral Formed?

How is Cave Coral Formed? Cave Coral? Isn’t coral something you normally find in the water? Well, cave formations are generally formed when an acid reacts to limestone, or the rocks contain over 80% calcium carbonate. The formations normally grow on the ceiling, walls, and floors of the cave and are sometimes influenced by humidity, airflow, and temperature. The more […]

How are Cave Soda Straws Formed?

Cave Soda Straws And How They Are Formed For those fascinated with caves, we are sure you have come in contact with the term cave straws. They are a speleothem that is formed in the shape of a hollow mineral cylindrical tube. Hence, the name straw. Many people also refer to them as tubular stalactites. Soda straws generally grow in […]

How is Cave Bacon Formed?

Are there any bacon lovers in the house that get super excited whenever the word “bacon” is mentioned? I mean, we all know that it is the candy of meats, right? Well, if you are that person, we can tell you will fall in love with caves and their Cave Bacon formations. Nature knows how to tempt, test, and treat […]

What’s the Difference Between a Cavern vs Cave?

If you have ever found yourself wondering about the Cavern vs Cave issue, keep reading – we have the answers for you! What is the difference between a cave and a cavern? Many times, the names are used synonymously, but this isn’t technically right. Today we will look at how they are both alike as well as how they both […]

Stalactites vs Stalagmites: What is the Difference?

I am sure every grade schooler knows the difference between stalactites vs stalagmites, after all: Stalactites hold tight to the ceiling while stalagmites might reach up to the ceiling. When it comes to caves, there are many fun formations and features involved, which makes it no surprise that so many people are fascinated by them. Caves are formed in different […]